Scan for Malware

Malware and cybersecurity are hot topics for technology leaders these days. Veritas added this key feature to NetBackup, to allow users to scan their backups for malware. Plus, we wanted to show the malware status the the backups prior to restoring from that backup.

Future releases allowed users to scan backups and specific files and folders prior to recovery.

Case Study


Previously, users needed to use a separate interface to scan their files for malware - as preventative, and after an attack. With this new feature, users can look back in time and scan their backups to find out where the last clean copy of their files are in the backups.


Engineering had designed a process where users could use a malware scanner that Veritas had licensed for scanning within the application. In addition we were going to slowly add in the capability to use other popular scanning applications that the customers might own in-house. We needed to be able to select and scan backup images for malware, along with the full workflow, and present those results to the users. In addition, we wanted to present the scanning results to users during the recovery process.


I worked closely with the Product Manager and engineering to understand the technical plan for implenting the new feature. I suggested improvements to make the flow and presentation of information more user-centric rather engineering-driven. I created wireframes and went through rounds of feedback to get a consensus between the user interface and the technology used for this feature. The set of fields to scan were derived from an older interface.

Once I had a good set of mockups in place, I created prototypes and worked with a researcher to design a usability study for this feature. The users were very happy to see the ability to scan for malware in the application. We got a lot of feedback about what users wanted for this feature. However much of the requests had to be added to future releases.


  • User Workflow Diagram

  • Mockups/Prototype

  • Usability Study


Users can scan for backups in three different ways. The method shown in these wireframes shows the best way to select a group of backups to scan for malware.


After choosing the method of selecting backups to scan, the user selects all the search parameters to choose the specific images they want to scan.

Next, the user selects the specific backups to scan.

After submitting the form, the user can view the progress of the scanning and the results on the Malware Detection page.

To scroll through the wireframes, click the arrow on the right side of the image.

Actual User Interface

This is how the mockups were implemented in the web-based application.


Patch Policies


Test Query Modal