Patch Policies – Jamf Software
Jamf is a mobile device management (MDM) software company that provides a platform for managing and securing Apple devices, primarily focused on Mac, iPhone, and iPad, allowing organizations (enterprises, schools and small businesses) to control and protect their Apple ecosystem across various devices within their network.
As is common with Windows and Office, application and operating system patch updates need to be deployed to computers within an organization. Jamf need a better way to manage the testing of the rollout of the patch updates.
Case Study
IT Admins use Jamf Pro to manage MacBooks and other Apple devices. Jamf needed a better way for their customers’ IT Admins who manage Apple computers and iOS devices to do multiple test deployments of the patch updates to software and MacOS. This project shows a new workflow for IT Admins to deploy those patch updates.
Companies and organizations use various workflows to deploy & install software updates and operating system updates to MacBooks. Some applications release updates on a weekly or monthly basis. Jamf need to create a flexible, repeatable process that could be used to by Mac IT admins to test software updates, and deploy those updates to users in an efficient way.
Generally, there is a testing phase, a validation phase, a deployment to a small set of computers, a larger set of computers, and eventually full deployment. When a new update is released, the process much be repeated.
Other members of the team had done a research study to interview users on their process for deploying test policies. I used that research and created a "Current State" diagram to point out the pain points in the current process.
Next I wrote out user scenarios that might be used for various workflows that companies might use.
I added a "Future State" to the diagram to introduce repeatable deployment groups and more flexibility and automation to the process.
I created rough wireframes showing the new workflow, showing several ideas that might be used as new patterns in the Jamf Pro product redesign (new user interface redesign in process).
Finally, I created high fidelity mockups using elements from the newly redesigned interface for one idea that the team found promising, to demonstrate how it would work/look. I created the wireframes in high fidelity to help the team envision how this could look in the new redesign, which allows much more flexibility in interaction that the old design.
Existing User Research
User Workflow Diagrams for Current State and Future State
High Fidelity Mockups
IT admins could select software update options, including a full list of computers for the final deployment, then create test deployments using an inline edit interface. Only the essential options are listed in the inline edit fields, making the process simpler. Users can also clone the set of test deployments, and reuse the set (and edit as needed) for future software deployments.
Current State and Future State Workflow Diagrams
Current workflow is based on what we learned from a research study. Future workflow is my proposed workflow.
Here is the process:
IT Admin creates a Multiple Deployment patch policy, by clicking the "New" button.
IT Admin selects options for the software update release, where they will create multiple deployments.
After the new software patch is saved, the Admin clicks "Add" to create a test deployment.
IT Admin selects desired options for test deployment.
Modal appears for selection of computers for this test deployment release.
List of saved test deployments, and additional field displayed to create another deployment phase.
List of child deployments could be viewed from within the main policy. Could utilize both options, or one or the other.
To view the mockups, click the thumbnails under the image, or use the right and left arrows on either side of the image.